“AKTİFİZ Akıllı Sistemler ile Aktif Yaş Alma İzmir” projesi İZKA’dan mali ve yönetsel destek aldı. Proje kapsamında Ödemiş akıllı aktif yaşlanma merkezinde, yaşlılara verilecek olan beslenme, egzersiz, stres yönetimi, bilişim teknolojileri eğitimler ile sağlıklı yaşlanma süreçleri ve sosyal yaşama uyumları desteklendi.. Akıllı teknolojiler ile yaşlılar sağlıklı yaşam davranışlarına yönelik olarak; yaşamsal bulguları, egzersiz düzeyi, düşme ve denge durumları, stres düzeyleri gibi tüm parametrelerin izlenmesine yönelik çalışmalar gerçekleştirildi.
EQUIP II (European Education, Competences and Qualifications in Home Care for Older People II )
The basis of this project was EQUIP -project (2007 – 1971 / 001-001), www.equip-project.com .This partnership of researchers and vocational educators built a set of tools to enable the comparison of qualifications and competences among different EU countries in relation to at-home care of older people. In this project investigations were made about qualifications, competences, working skills, and good home service practices within six countries of the European Union. The research outcomes were translated in two kinds of electronic tools. The first tool is an electronic questionnaire, which when processed tells the users, how their own competences meet the demands of the qualifications in different countries. Their training needs and lacks of competences can be shown and the further training and education plan can be designed with vocational counsellor. The background to the project lay in the aging population development in Europe. Throughout Europe the number of citizens over 65 years is increasing all the time. Their care will be an important future issue not only for economic reasons but also because of citizens’ rights (to make choices about where to live). Nine out of ten people over 75 would like to live in their own home instead of an institution. We will need more students and workers in elderly care. Home care is vital to achieving this. This project contributes to appreciation of home care work and mobility of students, teachers and home care workers.In Turkey 65 years and higher aged people correspond to 7% of the total population (about 5 million). Life expectancy stands at 71.1 years for men and 75.3 years for women, with an overall average of 73.2 years for the populace as a whole.Transparency (and accordingly the transferability and compatibility) of professional qualifications are keys to increased mobility of students, teachers and qualified workers in Europe. At the moment, comparison is difficult and the complexity contributes to the near-impossibility of movement of skilled and qualified staff between countries. There is particular difficulty in movement from countries with less regulatory demands to those where the professional qualifications are more precise. Workers from Turkey and Bulgaria move to other countries, f. ex. Finland, for seeking work. This project is targeted for educational providers, practitioners, employers and policy makers who are concerned with care services for older people in their own homes. It will contribute to the ECVET process and help implement the European Framework for qualifications (EQF).
10 Partners Participants
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